We just go with the cheapest

Posted by Paul Rose from Merchandise Mania

paul rose Now does that sound familiar to you? Certainly in the current marketplace it makes sense for people to shop around for the most competitive prices. Now I’ve spoken many times about the importance of value over price, but it seems that there are still some people in the world who just want it cheapest and so for those people, this week’s blog is dedicated to you.

The first thing you’ll notice is that it’s FREE. There you go, you simply cannot get cheaper than that short of my actually paying to read this stuff, and as I know that quite a lot of you are, I think we can all agree that that’s not going to happen.

In all seriousness, let me ask you a question. Is your company the cheapest in your industry? Now really think about that before you answer, because some of you would have instantly thought “YES! YES WE ARE AND WE’RE PROUD OF IT”.

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NEW PRODUCT: the Shape Paper Clip

The paper clip is actually not a brand new product!! The first bent-wire paper clip was invented in 1867 by Samuel Fay in the United States. This clip was originally intended primarily for attaching tickets to fabrics… its shape was quite different to the one invented 27 years later and that we still use today.

The paper clip adopted many different shapes through the year but only recently we invented the CUSTOM SHAPE PAPER CLIP: a paper clip which could have any personalised shape, even the shape of a company logo!!


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Time in a CAN

The importance of packaging is something too many people ignore. It is a promotional tool which makes us decide, conscious or unconsciously which product we

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Promotional Products for the car

Today, we wanted to present you a very new and interesting product: the POLDER (from the contraction Pen-Holder).

Created by Orel, a unique investment firm, specialized in investing in patents of entrepreneur students having ideas in useful technologies.

Recent researches made world wide companies come to the conclusion that promotional items do not reach their maximum impact potential due to an over concentration of products in the office environment.

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Sweet Summer…

Summer is by far my favourite season.

It reminds me when I was a kid; My parents used to take us 3 fantastic weeks on the Atlantic coast of France.
We went camping, breaking camp each week between Biarritz and Bordeaux…

“Les Landes” was then the favourite region of my mother.
She loved the long rides to go to the beach, under the high pines forest who protects the dunes.

I still can feel the smell of the pine needles heated up by the sun…

We then spent the all day on the beach, building hundreds of sandcastles, destroying them with my father to bug my sister, braving the waves, swallowing a lot of salty water…

I think summers are the happiest memories of my childhood.

I imagine that for many people, summer holidays are great souvenirs because it a period when you forget all your worries, you just relax on a beach chair…you feel so good.


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Attention: New Silicone Watch

Did you know that the promotional watches sales represent almost 2% of the total industry sales!

Mainly because it’s an evergreen and pleasant promotional gift.

Well let us present you a New concept of promotional Watch: The Silicone Watch.

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The Wrist Water Bottle

When spring is coming it’s the season I prefer to go jogging on the beach or riding my bike… actually, it’s important, to keep in shape and at the same time to profit of the sunrays.

One very important thing to do when doing exercise is to take plenty of fluids.

But having to carry water bottles while exercising can be rather uncomfortable at the point that we often get rid of the bottle before drinking the water !

So let me present you the solution to this problem:
It’s called SWIGGIES and it’s a brand new and original concept: a wrist water bottle for port!

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Interview with Clemence Long, PSI Paris-09 Director

The 11th edition of PSI will take place on 15, 16 and 17 September 2009 at Paris Expo, Pavilion 5.2/5.3 – Porte de Versailles.

The PSI Paris is one of the european meeting point for the gift and premium market with over 250 exhibitors, 350 brands will be represented and more than 4 700 professional visitors will participate.

Here are our questions to Clémence Long, PSI Paris trade show Director:

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