Promotional Calendars Are Still Prominent and Profitable

Article written by Maya Case

Do you miss those “real” calendars now that you’ve got your Blackberry, iPhone, or other hand held portable digital device? Are you tired of always needing to refer to your online calendar? If so, you’re not alone! Distributors of desk calendars and wall calendars have had a slice taken out of their business, it’s true, but they are far from extinct.Iphone-calendar

Makers of desk and wall promotional calendars have gotten very creative in order to continue to compete and profit in this digital age. If you’re a business products distributor, there are plenty of desk-top and wall calendars out there for you to get a hold of and sell to your business clients, both for their use and for them to give away as promotional items to their clients. And, if you are in business and you want to impress clients and prospects with your sense of taste and class (or if you are a little tired of the PDA calendar yourself), you may want to check out what makers of calendars are offering for the 21st century.


For instance, if you would like to keep your message prominent in front of your clients’ eyes as they are using their computers, there are silkscreen computer cover calendars. Let your clients keep track of their busy days and protect their monitors, keyboards, and laptops all at the same time-and when they’re doing that, they’re seeing your message and your logo over and over again.

For a dynamic look that is unique as well as pragmatic, there are 3-D pop-up calendars. One of these calendars looks impressive with its dodecahedral shape. These 3-D calendars can also be used for small storage spaces, in which to keep things like postage stamps, business cards, or a pad of Sticky Notes. You could even give them away as promotional items in combination with another item from your company tucked inside. On a somewhat related theme, there are traditional hanging wall calendars that come with pockets for keeping coupons. Give one of these calendars away with a coupon tucked into each one of the 12 pockets to really make a great impression on clients.


The hard cover journal-calendar with a beautiful cover never goes out of style, as a highly portable calendar that doubles as a note pad or personal journal. Give one of these away along with a pen that has your company message imprinted on it.


Perpetual flip calendars that are creatively made make great promotional gifts. For example, find some that offer funny sayings or cartoons that help to relieve the stress of the daily grind. Remember those little glossy greeting card calendars? Yes, they are still around! Clients love them, as they are so portable and can be kept in the jacket or shirt breast pocket for quick, easy access.

Then there’s the “old school” flip calendar. This involves a tasty, understated aesthetic design with 12 pages, each page featuring one line each for each day of that month on which appointments and activities can be written. Give off a sense of charm and remembering “the good ol’ days” with this calendar.

So, you see, there is plenty of creativity out there in the world of printed calendars. You can use this to the advantage of your business. Give people a break from their PDA today, and get your message across!

Article written by Maya CASE