On the Web of Toxel.com, we found a real fun product: the Chairless, a portable sitting strap!
Ohh don’t laugh! at first sight we could think it’s the most stupid useless product you’ve heard about, but let’s try to understand exactly how it works and what are the origins of this interesting product:
“Chairless is an adjustable sitting strap designed in Europe, to be wrapped around the back and knees in order to relieve tension and stabilize the body.

It is thus a perfect solution for times when chairs are in short supply: at the park, beach or anywhere else outdoors: while waiting in a crowded airport, a picnic on the lawn, sitting down at a concert, and many other occasions.”
This product, which could appear to be an invention for lazy people, was inspired by a strap commonly used by the Ayoreo Indians in northern Paraguay they tighten around their legs and back, to relieve the back while seated.
What do you think about this product? it could be a nice promotional product for festivals, outdoor events, concerts to make the waiting time more confortable!
Did you know that some fans camp days before a concert to have the best places?? I think they would appreciate to have the Chairless with them!
What do you think??