Promotional bags
I don’t sell much promotional bags myself but these examples of advertising on promotional bags makes me enthusiastic.
This bag is custom dy-cut into dumbell to promote a gym.
I don’t sell much promotional bags myself but these examples of advertising on promotional bags makes me enthusiastic.
This bag is custom dy-cut into dumbell to promote a gym.
Here is a nice in-pack promotion offered by Kellogg’s in Brazil. A small boomerang with molded logo. The promotional boomerang was made of three pieces
Playing off the typical retail “sale” environment, Carrefour in China placed flashy wobblertags that appeared to be communicating huge savings on the purchase of compact
Here is a nice example of the effectiveness of promotional merchandise when integrated in a communication plan. “Yellow Tail is an Australian wine who came
Let me introduce a revolutionary product which won many significant awards at the Vegas ASI show in 2007… The new “Keyboard Organizer™” is the first
If there is one important thing to know before getting a tattoo….is that it’s PERMANENT, IRREVERSIBLE, INDELIBLE !!
You should think about it twice before thrusting.
Here are a few examples of people that should have better stayed home the day they decided to get a tattoo!
In our team, we prefer temporary tattoos, because by definition…it´s temporary.
Once again we adapt the society´s evolution: “No strings attached era”, fixed terms contracts…
What a pity they didn’t know before that HORIZONSOURCES manufactures fully customized temporary tattoos!
A novelty on the USB market is the memlite USB lighter. Memlite is basically a refillable lighter with a removable flash drive that pops out
Nicola Tibbs from 4imprint in the UK tells us about a funny unusual promotional product: “STABLETABLE”: Fans of Dragons’ Den will already be familiar with
To send New Year greetings for 2008, the communications team at the dinosaur museum in Brussels sent colleagues and main sponsors a highly original package.
It’s no secret, China is experiencing a fast development!!!
A few years ago, the country initiated its take-off, like most developing countries did in their times.
Though this take-off is bringing up many concerns because of the size of the country, its model of development (export-led growth) and the time when it takes place (advanced globalization era) make it a unique event!!
In a time of massive industrialization, China has become the world factory for a majority of manufactured goods.
Its workforce is, still at this point, one of the cheapest in the world: It’s disciplined, thrifty, hard at work, up-and-coming, which turns the country into a formidable competitor or – a reliable commercial partner!
Is it worth making clear that a majority of the Western manufacturers are turning to the Middle Kingdom to look into the future?. Importers of our industry have already set out to conquer China and its endless resources in promotional merchandise.
The actors of our industry who want to establish direct business relationships with Chinese partners are steadily increasing…
But the Chinese culture is far different from our Western culture, and therefore it is fundamental to know and understand its specificities in order to communicate properly and establish lasting business relationships. .
I suggest we watch the cultural dimension of CHINA closer, with the purpose of dealing or communicating better. with our Chinese partners:
This blog aims to identify news, trends and fundamental movements in the world of promotional items.