Sources: TRENDHUNTER.COM . Trendhunter Magazine – Vincent Salera
To celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Human Rights Organization, Amnesty International used CAKEVERTISING:
On each of the Amnesty International cakes, a slice is being removed from the rest of the cake, visually separating a person from an unacceptable, unsafe situation. The tagline of the ad reads:
“You can do more than celebrate. 60 years of the universal declaration of human rights.”
I can not say enough great things about these ads.
You certainly know an ad is successful when the message you want to communicate needs no words.
The ads were created by advertising agency DDB Budapest.
More examples of Cakevertising…
Corporate cakes:
A corporate cake is a funny (and tasty!) way to get your corporate message across and gain a clients attention!
It’s also an original way to gain attention for your event or special occasion!
Whether for a launch or anniversary, a current client or a prospective new customer…
And I am sure that even if the cake will not last long…people will remember it for a long time!
Pardon me while I salivate…